Saturday, October 24, 2020



This year’s Paul Mitchell/Nissan Supergirl Surf Contest (2020) at the Oceanside Pier, Oceanside, CA, was a bit subdued because of COVID-19.  The contest was hardly publicized so as not to attract a large crowd.  But those that attended were certainly awarded with first-class female surfing. 

 On Saturday, a few locals began to line the pier which of course made everyone nervous, so a curtain was put up for about a third of the pier to dissuade people from watching the meet from that lofty location. 

 The waves on Sunday were really crashing, so to speak.  The surf line was charging north right into the wooden pylons of the Oceanside Pier.  And that made for an exciting background for photographing the surfers as they careened remarkably close to the dangerous pylons. 

 The women came from all over the world to compete for standings in the Supergirl Contests.  And they didn’t disappoint in their skills and bravery.  The waves were heavy and rolling, not for the faint of heart.  Here are some of the images!